5a-side Football match
October 17, 2017 at 7:30 PM
Sport centre
Accademia del Calcio Roma Academy Sport Center
Via di Settebagni, 340, Roma, RM, Italia
Matteo Z.
Si gioca al New Green Hill, in via della Bufalotta 663. Giochiamo almeno un'ora e mezza. Venite alle 19,15.
Team sheet
Matteo Z.
Fabio B.
Andrea G.
ale c.
Giorgio G.
docia k.
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Who we are?
We organize football games.
If you want to play, you can join our games alone or with some friends.
No need to have a team, it is not a tournament. You can play also just one game.
Why Fubles?
We use the Fubles app to manage the games and keep track of statistics.
To join our games, you must download the Fubles app (it's free).
You only pay for the price of the venue, just like you do when you play with your friends.